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Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Top 5

Okay, so I know my layout's new header is probably arising some questions that I decided I'd address before anybody gets too confused. ;)

So here goes~

Q: Who are the guys in the header? (Obviously one of them's Jon Kalinski...)
A: Well, here's who they are (Left-to-right) Trevor Bruess, Dan Tormey, Jon Kalinski, Channing Boe, Kael Mouillierat, and Geoff Irwin.

Q: Why does Trevor Bruess have glasses on?
A: Well, Trevor wears glasses. Seriously, I've seen him! Last season I was at a game and Jordan pointed at Trevor and was like, "Look at that hockey player!" I looked, and there was Trevor wearing these glasses. So I decided to add them to the drawing. :)

Q: Why is Dan Tormey so *GOOD* looking?
A: I really don't know. I could only *attempt* to capture his good looks in this drawing.

Q: Why is Jon Kalinski so adorable?
A: He just is.

Q: Why is Channing Boe holding his stick like that?
A: Okay, I love Channing Boe. (Hence why he's in the header....) He was the second one I drew (Jon was the first, of course. <3) and I couldn't decide on a pose. I wanted him to be all cutesy, so I decided to have him look kind of bashful, like he's hiding behind his stick. ♥

Q: Why does Kael Mouillierat have that hat on?
A: When I began planning this out, I knew that I wanted five guys. (Yes, I know, there are six. I'll get to that in a second) When I finished Jon and Channing, I suddenly knew I *had* to draw Kael Mouillierat. You see, when the guys did the skate with the Maverick thing, I noticed that Kael Mouillierat had a hat on like that. And so, I had to draw it.

Q: Why do Kael Mouillierat and Geoff Irwin have their arms around each other? (In a FRIEND kind of way, of course!)
A: Well, those two are pretty much inseperable, I'm sure. They're like a package deal, so if I wanted to draw Kael Mouillierat in that hat, then I had to include Irwin. It's that simple.

Q: Okay, what's with the "THE TOP 5 (-1)" in the background?
A: [FIRST OF ALL, I WANT TO POINT OUT THAT THIS HAS *NOTHING* TO DO WITH PLAYING ABILITY!] Well, last year, my friend and I decided to designate what we called "Our top 5". And so we did. The first three were easy: Jon Kalinski, Dan Tormey, and Trevor Bruess, all for one reason or another. We then made Zacharias our number 4 and Chris Clark our number 5.

As time went on though, we began to really like Kurtis Kisio. But since we didn't want to have a Top 6 but a Top 5, we decided to make Kisio and Clark a tie. So we basically had 6 guys in our top 5.

This year, we decided to 'retire' Kisio and Clark (and we miss them dreadfully. Especially Kisio, since, you know, he's not around anymore. *Sniffle*) and we were back down to a Top 4. So, we decided to add Kael Mouillierat, just because we think he's funny.

It wasn't long though before we fell in love with Channing Boe, so we decided to add him, making it so we had 6 again in our top 5.

But then we realized that you can't really have Kael Mouillierat in the top 5 without having Geoff Irwin, since they're a package deal, so now we have 7 in our Top 5...

Q: Okay, great, you're a little twisted and have 7 guys in your 'Top 5'. But where's Zacharias?
A: As I mentioned before, I really only wanted five guys. I wanted five guys on the header because A.) I wouldn't have had to explain that there are actually 7 guys in the Top 5 and B.) Because Jon Kalinski would have been more centered. BUT, since I decided to draw Kael Mouillierat, I had to include Irwin, just like I mentioned above. And yeah, by that point I could have drawn Zacharias, but... I just don't think I could truly capture his smile. And facial hair...Heh. That would SUCK to color facial hair! :/ So therefore, poor Mike Zacharias is not included. Which explains the (-1) in the header. It's the top 5 minus a guy! :)

Q: Why in the world did you take so much time to draw those guys, ink them, scan them, and color them?!
A: Well, it's a hobby of mine. I love to draw, I love to ink my drawings, I love to scan my drawings, and I love to color them via computer. It's fun, really. :) And come on, aren't they cute?

I hope that clears up any confusion~! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! (Which reminds me... there's not really a 'post a comment' option on the layout, but if you click where it says '0 comments', it'll let you post a comment then. I'm new to Blogger, so I'm not sure how to fix this...)

I also fixed the error in Internet Explorer, so everything would work now! (Although the text might still be kind of small depending on your display settings...)

And now for something semi-Maverick news-ish related:

A couple of days ago, I headed over to Maverick Sports' homepage, and saw that they had a poll posted.

It says to "Select MSU Men's Hockey First Half MVP". (It's still up if you want to participate. :)

Well, being the biased person that I am, I chose Jon Kalinski, and was a little frightened as to how the results would be.

Here's what they were a few days ago when I voted:

Look how high Jon is! Haha~

But seriously, I thought it was interesting, and just thought I'd post that in case people haven't seen it. :)

Whew, that was a long post...

North Dakota this weekend! I *HOPE HOPE HOPE* the Mavs kick some butt. I HATE North Dakota with a passion. But I won't go into that right now. :)

OH, and also, thank you everybody who replied to my questions! :D

Luv, Sidney ♥
9:11 PM
8 commented

New Layout!

As you can probably see, I spent the day making a new layout!

I don't have a lot of time to explain it right now (Heh...) but I just wanted to see how it displayed for everybody. I made it on my desktop in Firefox, but it looks better on my laptop. (It's brighter and the text is bigger) However, I noticed it doesn't look the best in Internet Explorer. I'll try to fix that.

Also, if you'd like to be added to my links list (which is currently not up), please let me know! :)

Luv, Sidney ♥
3:11 PM
0 commented

Friday, January 4, 2008

I got nuttin'.

Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I hope you guys weren't afraid that I had died!

While there are more productive things I could be doing (Like figuring out the Mavs' practice schedule...), instead I've just been sitting around this whole entire break.

I didn't get to go to Sunday's game, which saddened me, especially since Jon Kalinski scored. :(

Friday's game was pretty good. (Well, of course it was, we won!)

Well, happy new year everybody! Let's hope 2008 brings plenty of wins for the Mavs!

I'm feeling extremely guilty that I don't have anything to say about the games and that I haven't had any interactions with any of the players. They've been working hard and deserve to be recognized.

Okay, now for a question-and-answer with my readers!

Here's what's goin' on: I'm going to ask some questions, and you comment with your answers! Feel free to do so anonymously! ♥

1.) Who is your favorite Mav and why? (This season only~)

2.) Who is your least favorite Mav and why? (This season only~ *Sorry, Jon Kalinski is not an option.)

3.) Which Mav is most likely to end up as a car salesman? (Not that that's a bad career option~)

4.) Who is a better catch: (Choose one from each pair)
Wiley or Lompado?
Friesen or Tyree?
Youds or Harrison?

5.) Who would you rather hang out with for a day:
Mouilierat or Zacharias?
Stewart or Bruess?
Davis or Boe?

6.) Who has the most natural talent?
Kalinski or Berge?
Tormey or Gaulrapp?
Irwin or Canzenello?

7.) What would you like to see more of on this blog?

Hopefully you'll hear more from me soon! ;)

Luv, Sidney ♥
3:51 PM
5 commented


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