Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Bland, Generic Post

Well everybody, it's the time you thought would never come. A normal, typical post from yours truly.
The last eight games have been truly marvelous. I knew the Mavs had it in them! That goal by Kael Mouillierat that is illustrated in the above picture was gorgeous, wasn't it? And of course, so was Jon's shorty vs. Wisconsin on Saturday! :)
The other day, I was cleaning out pictures on my phone, when I came across a picture that I had taken last spring.
I don't know about you guys, but when hockey ends, I go through what I call 'post-hockey depression'. And it's horrible! Last spring, I got it the worst. After MSU's loss to North Dakota, I started watching NHL games and ant documentaries (Something I'd NEVER done before!) to try to cheer myself up over the fact that [Maverick] hockey was over.
So, one day, Jordan and I were utterly bored, and we went to a craft store and went up and down the aisles, trying to find something to do.
That's when we came across Crayola Model Magic. Half-jokingly, we bought some and decided we were going to make the Mavs.
And... I'd like to say it turned out cuter than we thought it would!
Here's our creation: (Sorry it's such a crappy picture, it's from my phone~)

It's hard to see their numbers, so here's who's all in it:
Top-Center and moving clock-wise: Jon Kalinski (duh), Dan Tormey (double duh), Trevor Bruess, Kurtis Kisio, Mike Zacharias, Kael Mouillierat, and Chris Clark.
Aren't they cute?!
Oh, and take a look at my new picture under the 'about me' section! Isn't that cute? My friend sent it to me, and I couldn't resist! ;)
Well, I guess that was all!
Sidney ♥
Luv, Sidney ♥
9:42 PM
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9:42 PM
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
One Last One For Y'all!
I got a request to add Chris Clark to my last post, and to incorporate Jon Kalinski. I had a few complaints about Jon Kalinski as a figure skater, so I guess this was a chance to make him more manly...
Jon Kalinski: Chippendale's Man of the Month
Chris Clark: Falling Short by 10 Votes... (Should've chosen my blog as your favorite...)

I probably spent the longest on this one. My roommate came in and was like "Are you on the Chippendale's website?!" Eventually she helped me, and we spent hours looking for the perfect picture...
'Course, we had to tan Jon a little, and de-tan the body... But we love you anyway, Jon!
Sidney ♥ (<--My new ending for blog posts.)
Jon Kalinski: Chippendale's Man of the Month
Chris Clark: Falling Short by 10 Votes... (Should've chosen my blog as your favorite...)

I probably spent the longest on this one. My roommate came in and was like "Are you on the Chippendale's website?!" Eventually she helped me, and we spent hours looking for the perfect picture...
'Course, we had to tan Jon a little, and de-tan the body... But we love you anyway, Jon!
Sidney ♥ (<--My new ending for blog posts.)
Luv, Sidney ♥
9:17 PM
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9:17 PM
1 commented
Monday, February 4, 2008
The Future of the Mavs
I'm sure you're all expecting a real serious post about last weekend's series (which ROCKED), but instead, I like to focus ahead.
And no, not ahead as in this weekend's game. I'm talking maybe ten years from now. Or maybe even four.
You see, it all started last night, when my roommate and I were watching men's figure skating on TV. We started talking about which Mav would make the best figure skater, and at first we were thinking Dan Tormey, but then we realized that Tormey just didn't have the right body type for figure skating. It didn't take us long to decide that Jon Kalinski has the best body type for a figure skater.
Which inspired this:

We then decided to make a list of occupations for the rest of the Mavs. (Minus a few, sorry guys...)
Which, therefore, inspired this post. :)
So... here goes~
Jason Wiley
Ice Cream Man

Matt Tyree
Best-Selling Author

Geoff Irwin
Kindergarten Teacher

Jerad Stewart
Child Photographer (Sorry, he got a little chubby...)

Andrew Sackrison

Trevor Bruess
Bus Driver

James Gaulrapp

Rylan Galiardi
A Happy Hobo

Ryan Gunderson
A Flower

Kael Mouillierat

Mike Zacharias
Dolphin Trainer

Dan Tormey
Male Model Betchya didn't see that one comin'!

Blake Friesen
Robin Hood

Brian Kilburg: Santa Clause
Mick Berge: Mrs. Clause
The Elf: Kurt Davis

Zach Harrison: Hair Stylist
Joel Hanson: Man who needs his hair cut

(L-to-R) Austin Lee, R.J. Linder, Nick Canzanello, & Ben Youds

Channing Boe
The President of the United States

Most of these were random, in case you were wondering. We just came up with a list of occupations, and then matched them to a Mav. :)
In other words, the Mavs played really great and had an excellent weekend. It's like they've all finally gotten it together. ♥
And no, not ahead as in this weekend's game. I'm talking maybe ten years from now. Or maybe even four.
You see, it all started last night, when my roommate and I were watching men's figure skating on TV. We started talking about which Mav would make the best figure skater, and at first we were thinking Dan Tormey, but then we realized that Tormey just didn't have the right body type for figure skating. It didn't take us long to decide that Jon Kalinski has the best body type for a figure skater.
Which inspired this:

We then decided to make a list of occupations for the rest of the Mavs. (Minus a few, sorry guys...)
Which, therefore, inspired this post. :)
So... here goes~
Jason Wiley
Ice Cream Man

Matt Tyree
Best-Selling Author

Geoff Irwin
Kindergarten Teacher

Jerad Stewart
Child Photographer (Sorry, he got a little chubby...)

Andrew Sackrison

Trevor Bruess
Bus Driver

James Gaulrapp

Rylan Galiardi
A Happy Hobo

Ryan Gunderson
A Flower

Kael Mouillierat

Mike Zacharias
Dolphin Trainer

Dan Tormey
Male Model Betchya didn't see that one comin'!

Blake Friesen
Robin Hood

Brian Kilburg: Santa Clause
Mick Berge: Mrs. Clause
The Elf: Kurt Davis

Zach Harrison: Hair Stylist
Joel Hanson: Man who needs his hair cut

(L-to-R) Austin Lee, R.J. Linder, Nick Canzanello, & Ben Youds

Channing Boe
The President of the United States

Most of these were random, in case you were wondering. We just came up with a list of occupations, and then matched them to a Mav. :)
In other words, the Mavs played really great and had an excellent weekend. It's like they've all finally gotten it together. ♥
Luv, Sidney ♥
7:52 PM
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7:52 PM
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