Monday, March 17, 2008
You know...
I'm having a really hard time with yesterday's loss.
Everytime someone brings hockey up, I right away jump in their face yelling "THE GOPHER WAS IN THE CREASE!"
He was. He was so in the crease. It reminds me of Clark the Canadian Hockey Goalie and how he says his season ended in the play-offs thanks to a "garbage goal by a guy who was clearly in the crease." It's the same for the Mavericks.
Seriously, anywhere you look, he's in the crease. Am I right? No, apparently I'm wrong, since it was a goal. To me, it looks like he was in the crease. But that video's not the best quality or anything...
Also, what kills me are the comments by Gopher fans, saying that the GOPHERS weren't getting fair calls. Are they KIDDING me? Are the Gopher fans as blind as the refs?!
You see, I just don't understand. I don't understand how the refs can just literally screw our team like that. I don't understand how they went to bed last night knowing that they [potentially] ended a season for a team who worked so hard, and for a team who deserved to win.
I've heard it said a lot that "both teams deserve to win." The Gopher fan sitting next to me on Friday night's game turned to me, trying to be nice, and said, "both teams deserve to win." But I can't agree with that. Even trying to be as unbiased as I possibly can, I can't agree with that.
The Mavericks were picked to finish in what, 8th or 9th place? And they finished in 4th? The swept Denver. They BEAT Colorado College. (True, they had some lame losses here and there, but whatever...) The Gophers have like 20 signed players. We have 2. And yet, there we are, in 4th place, above the Gophers.
Even if the Gophers were the better team out there, I would STILL say that the Mavs "deserved to win." I can't really put it into words, because I don't entirely know, and I definitely don't have the proper evidence to back my claim, but the Mavericks worked their butts off. If my memory serves me right, both of the Gopher's goalies are signed. We just have Zacharias and Tormey (and Lee too. <3), two (well, three) non-signed goalies. And Zacharias played just as well of a game, if not better, than Kangas. So what if Kangas is a freshman. I'll happily stand by my claim that he isn't going to get any better with experience, especially not in the way that Zacharias did.
Speaking of Gopher fans (and I wish I had specific names or something, because I'm sure (or at least, I'm hoping) that not all Gopher fans are alike...), I sat by one yesterday for the first two periods who was a friend of one of my friends. She goes to the U of M but was home for spring break, and she was making me so mad. She didn't know ANYTHING about her team, except for that her goalie was named Kangas. But she CHEERED completely and entirely like she knew everything.
"Nice save Kangas! Come on Gophers! Here we go Gophers! Nice job getting that puck! Oh yeah Gophers! That's the way Gophers!"
I was sitting there like, "Nice pass Irwin. Okay Sackrison, here you go. Nice hit Wiley (Heh...). Nice GOAL, Jon. (Jon had one of the called-off goals, right? I was so ticked I can't remember...) Etc. Etc. Etc."
What I'm trying to say is, this girl knew NOTHING about her team, and yet she felt the need to sit there and cheer for them like I was cheering for mine. I wanted to turn to her and be like, "Are you going to the X to watch the Gophers play if they win tonight? I don't think so. I AM if the Mavs win. So shut your mouth and only cheer if they score or something." Basically, in conclusion, I had to switch seats because I knew I would lose it if the Gophers won and I was sitting by her.
Especially because then she turned to me and was like, "So how's your team? Our team's not very good."
Even if the Mavs were in last place, I would NEVER EVER say that about them. Ever. I couldn't. I stared at her like I couldn't believe that, and then proceeded to tell her how amazing our team was, and how they DESERVED to win.
She just said, "Oh, that's cool."
Then she proceeded to tell me how cute Kangas was, and that was basically all she knew, so I had to point out Dan Tormey and say, "Don't even try to throw a "our goalie is better looking that your goalie" because our goalie is one of the hottest goalies--no, players--no MEN, in the world." Well, that shut her up. Ha.
So anyway...
It was just so lame to lose the way we did. By a goal that shouldn't have been a goal. The refs literally gave Minnesota the game. I hope they got paid well.
Also, all weekend, I heard people say that the reffing was bad because "the refs don't like Jutting". Seriously, how is that a justification? It's not the refs' jobs to LIKE someone. It's their job to fairly call the game.
I saw we get a petition going to get rid of ALL those refs that were there. True, we may have lost the game, but they can lose their jobs. I'd say it's a fair enough trade. (As long as they all end up as hobos, that is...)
Anyway, I think I've ranted enough. All I can say now is that I'm praying that someone loves us and that we'll make it in the Pairwise, but otherwise, I'm preparing myself for an awfully long off-season. :(
Just a little over seven months. :)
Everytime someone brings hockey up, I right away jump in their face yelling "THE GOPHER WAS IN THE CREASE!"
He was. He was so in the crease. It reminds me of Clark the Canadian Hockey Goalie and how he says his season ended in the play-offs thanks to a "garbage goal by a guy who was clearly in the crease." It's the same for the Mavericks.
Seriously, anywhere you look, he's in the crease. Am I right? No, apparently I'm wrong, since it was a goal. To me, it looks like he was in the crease. But that video's not the best quality or anything...
Also, what kills me are the comments by Gopher fans, saying that the GOPHERS weren't getting fair calls. Are they KIDDING me? Are the Gopher fans as blind as the refs?!
You see, I just don't understand. I don't understand how the refs can just literally screw our team like that. I don't understand how they went to bed last night knowing that they [potentially] ended a season for a team who worked so hard, and for a team who deserved to win.
I've heard it said a lot that "both teams deserve to win." The Gopher fan sitting next to me on Friday night's game turned to me, trying to be nice, and said, "both teams deserve to win." But I can't agree with that. Even trying to be as unbiased as I possibly can, I can't agree with that.
The Mavericks were picked to finish in what, 8th or 9th place? And they finished in 4th? The swept Denver. They BEAT Colorado College. (True, they had some lame losses here and there, but whatever...) The Gophers have like 20 signed players. We have 2. And yet, there we are, in 4th place, above the Gophers.
Even if the Gophers were the better team out there, I would STILL say that the Mavs "deserved to win." I can't really put it into words, because I don't entirely know, and I definitely don't have the proper evidence to back my claim, but the Mavericks worked their butts off. If my memory serves me right, both of the Gopher's goalies are signed. We just have Zacharias and Tormey (and Lee too. <3), two (well, three) non-signed goalies. And Zacharias played just as well of a game, if not better, than Kangas. So what if Kangas is a freshman. I'll happily stand by my claim that he isn't going to get any better with experience, especially not in the way that Zacharias did.
Speaking of Gopher fans (and I wish I had specific names or something, because I'm sure (or at least, I'm hoping) that not all Gopher fans are alike...), I sat by one yesterday for the first two periods who was a friend of one of my friends. She goes to the U of M but was home for spring break, and she was making me so mad. She didn't know ANYTHING about her team, except for that her goalie was named Kangas. But she CHEERED completely and entirely like she knew everything.
"Nice save Kangas! Come on Gophers! Here we go Gophers! Nice job getting that puck! Oh yeah Gophers! That's the way Gophers!"
I was sitting there like, "Nice pass Irwin. Okay Sackrison, here you go. Nice hit Wiley (Heh...). Nice GOAL, Jon. (Jon had one of the called-off goals, right? I was so ticked I can't remember...) Etc. Etc. Etc."
What I'm trying to say is, this girl knew NOTHING about her team, and yet she felt the need to sit there and cheer for them like I was cheering for mine. I wanted to turn to her and be like, "Are you going to the X to watch the Gophers play if they win tonight? I don't think so. I AM if the Mavs win. So shut your mouth and only cheer if they score or something." Basically, in conclusion, I had to switch seats because I knew I would lose it if the Gophers won and I was sitting by her.
Especially because then she turned to me and was like, "So how's your team? Our team's not very good."
Even if the Mavs were in last place, I would NEVER EVER say that about them. Ever. I couldn't. I stared at her like I couldn't believe that, and then proceeded to tell her how amazing our team was, and how they DESERVED to win.
She just said, "Oh, that's cool."
Then she proceeded to tell me how cute Kangas was, and that was basically all she knew, so I had to point out Dan Tormey and say, "Don't even try to throw a "our goalie is better looking that your goalie" because our goalie is one of the hottest goalies--no, players--no MEN, in the world." Well, that shut her up. Ha.
So anyway...
It was just so lame to lose the way we did. By a goal that shouldn't have been a goal. The refs literally gave Minnesota the game. I hope they got paid well.
Also, all weekend, I heard people say that the reffing was bad because "the refs don't like Jutting". Seriously, how is that a justification? It's not the refs' jobs to LIKE someone. It's their job to fairly call the game.
I saw we get a petition going to get rid of ALL those refs that were there. True, we may have lost the game, but they can lose their jobs. I'd say it's a fair enough trade. (As long as they all end up as hobos, that is...)
Anyway, I think I've ranted enough. All I can say now is that I'm praying that someone loves us and that we'll make it in the Pairwise, but otherwise, I'm preparing myself for an awfully long off-season. :(
Just a little over seven months. :)
Luv, Sidney ♥
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