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Monday, November 17, 2008

Q & A with LGM!

Yes, you did read the Title of this post correctly! LGM and I were both able to take some time out of our busy schedules and answer some of each other's questions, and here are her answers to my questions, with my comments in parentheses and italics. :)

(Also, you can read my responses to her questions on her blog here.)

  1. Do you think Dan Tormey is amazingly good looking?

    Yes, Dan Tormey is pretty good looking. He has amazing skin…women would kill for that skin tone. He has a beautiful smile and nice hair too. Overall just a good looking kid, super nice too! (You nailed that one right on the head LGM!)

  2. Do you really talk with the guys just to "talk hockey"?

    Yes, I really just talk hockey (or college life I guess) with them. They are much younger than me so there’s no way in hell I would flirt with any of them. LGM is not a cougar!! Most of them are super nice and funny too, so they’re a fun group to talk to. However, talking to them has their downfalls, as some can be jerks and also it’s harder when you “know” them. You tend to take the dirty hits on them more personal and start yelling things at games like “GET OFF MICK BERGE!!” or “QUIT HUMPING TREVOR BRUESS!” My friends think it’s funny though.

    The other down side of it is then you get sad when they leave. I was super sad when Kalinski left and the thought of this year’s Senior Class leaving makes me very sad. I “heart” each and every Senior player. I’m really going to miss them! (Are you sure it’s not more like you “talk hockey” just like I watch Phantoms games to “analyze the game”? Haha, just kidding, I really do just analyze the game. I do not watch those games just to watch one person.)

  3. Please explain in exquisite detail why you weren't a fan of Kurtis Kisio.

    For the four years I watched him play I felt that he never played up to his potential and he was always making stupid mistakes. Each year you have to have “the player to hate” and I guess he was one of mine. I’ve had many players plead to me that I have to like him because he’s a good guy but I just can’t. I’ve never met him though, and I’m sure he’s a good guy. The one thing I did like about him was his firey personality. I LOVED when he went and charged Kellan Briggs after the Gophers cut Tormey’s hand. Gotta love that. It’s the Canadian in him. Canadian players always seem a little more spirited and willing to sacrifice their body for the game. It’s like “Hey man, I maybe just lost my arm back there but did you see me continue to crash the net and score a goal. Eh? Hell yeah! Give me a bandaid and I’m back in!!” (So what exactly didn’t you like? Are you sure you’re not just anti-short players? Or better yet, anti-Kurt-named players?)

  4. Who's your favourite NHL team?

    I really am not that big of a fan of NHL hockey. It’s too boring for me. I like the speed and grit of college hockey (which sadly is going away with the stupid new penalty rules!!). If I had to choose a favorite I would go with a team that a Mav plays for…so the Blues or the Ducks…and of course the Flyers once my boy Kalinski is playing. (Weak LGM. You know you like the Panthers.)

  5. Who's your all-time all-time all-time favourite Maverick of all-time?

    Jon Kalinski. DUH! Love, love, love that kid. He’s super quirky (which is my favorite thing about any player), fast, gritty, and just a little trouble maker. He is beyond awesome. A very close second is Chris Clarky though. Love that kid too. (Those are two of my top players too! You forgot some of Jon Kalinski’s most important traits though! Good thing I covered them in my interview.)

  6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

    100% extrovert. I get all of my energy from being around other people and if I’m alone too long I get sad. (One of the many reasons I admire LGM!)

  7. If you were a Mav, what position would you play and which line would you be out with?

    Ooh, hard question. I would be a defenseman so I could go around and hit people. I would probably play a style like Kilburg where I would go and hammer on a guy and skate away laughing. That would be awesome.

    As for my line, I would choose my D partner to be Channing Boe (of course!) and my forwards would be Berge, Mouillierat, and Bruess. (I could see that.)

  8. If you could would you quit your job and become a professional blogger?

    I don’t think I would want to be a professional blogger. I would run out of ambition for it and funny/interesting materials. Plus, I like to work with people so being a blogger would be boring. (People Shmeople.)

  9. Who do you think is the smartest Mav?

    Dan Tormey. I think he’s made the All Academic WCHA team and just seems like a smart kid. I also think that coming in right behind him is Jason Wiley and I’ve heard that Trevor Bruess is pretty smart and likes politics. Hmm, who would have thought?!?

    Want to know which Mav is the biggest smart ass? Channing Boe. No, maybe not all the time (since he’s just a super nice kid) but he’s the only Mav that’s had the guts to walk up to me and smart off! To top it off, it was when he was a newbie. Last year at Skaters as Waiters my friends were in the bathroom and I was sitting alone and he walked up and said “Oh, sitting with all your friends I see!” and laughed at me. I thought “woah…ballsy new kid! I like you!” (You have actual real, personal reasons for liking Channing Boe? You don’t just like him for his name, his roster pic, and the fact that he’s cute? Interesting…)

  10. Give an example of a time when you were able to successfully communicate with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you or vice-versa. How did you handle the situation? What obstacles or difficulties did you face? How did you deal with them?

    EVERY single day at work I do this. It’s the definition of my job!! On a personal level though? Generally I just use my communication skills from my job and state facts, not feelings, and try to stay calm. Honestly, I’m so used to people disliking me on a professional level and “going off” and being irrational that it doesn’t affect me much. Due to that though, in my personal life I tend to let people get away with a lot and just let it slide off my back. I also am quick to fully analyze a situation and find the deeper meaning to someone’s actions and then am more understanding about what they’re saying.

    It’s hard to explain really. You know how when you’re super crabby and are mean to someone for no reason and do it because that person will let you get away with it (most often it’s the person’s mom that gets this behavior..because in the end they know the mom won’t cut them out of their lives or whatever)…well, that’s kinda how I am for a lot of people. Since I deal with conflict and emotional issues on a daily basis I just let it all build up and avoid it in my personal life. I know, bad plan but sometimes you just run out of the energy to deal with people.

    Are you sorry you asked? Oh, but I should say that once you’re on my bad side it’s REALLY hard to get off of it. I hold grudges for a long time and can be vengeful. Sad but true. Also, I’m one of those rare people that don’t like people upon meeting them. People have to earn my liking.
    Oh, and never physically hit/shove me or you’ll NEVER get off of my bad side. Violence is NEVER the answer…and I mean NEVER. I’m very liberal and don’t believe in it at all….even to the point where I would never ever agree to the death penalty on anyone…not even Osama Bin Laden. (yep, true…and I’m sure I just made a lot of people mad….killing just isn’t right) (No comment for this one! :)

  11. If Channing Boe ran for president, who would be his running-mate?

    Andy Sackrison of course!! That would be a power ticket. Two good guys with good values. I would vote for them in a heartbeat! (Agreed. Although I know it would have been Jon Kalinski if he wasn’t Canadian.)

  12. If Channing Boe ran for president, and another Mav ran against him, which Mav would that be?

    Kurt Davis because I think deep down Davis is jealous of Channing because everyone loves Channing and he’s a good person…everything that Davis wishes he could be. (Yeah, probably… but what if Davis won?)

  13. Do you talk to yourself when no one else is around?

    Yep. Heck, I even talk to myself when others are around!! Mostly though I talk to my puppy Kali. She listens well and never talks back. (Since the name “Kali” is derived from the name “Kalinski” do you pronounce “Kali” with a short a, or Kuh-lee or Kuh-lih (you know, like Kalinski without the –nski)?)

  14. Recommend a book you've read lately.

    I just finished reading 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult. Very very good book. It’s about a school shooting. I’m very intrigued with school shooters so the book was very through provoking. (Interesting. I just finished reading a book called “Hockey Town: Life Before the Pros”. It was pretty good and was thought-provoking also. :)

  15. If you had to rate these mavs on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest, what would you rate…

    …Dan Tormey:
    I would give him a 4. He’s a nice guy, good looking, and will leave a positive impact on the world.

    …Trevor Bruess: Ooh, this is the hardest one for me. Love the way the kid plays but then wasn’t so sure about him on a personal level…but then that kinda changed this summer…but I’m still tossed. I’ll give him a 3 because something is just off.

    …Brian Kilburg: Another good one…hmm, I’ll give him a 5. He’s a funny kid, nice, friends with Hottie Joe Mauer, and his dad is beyond awesome.

    (You know, I think LGM was a little confused when she did this. She meant to give them all 5’s and Dan Tormey a 7. Brownie points for being good-looking.)

  16. What's an interesting thing about you that no one knows?

    I’m not a very personal person so I’m not sure there’s much people don’t know about me. I guess some would not know that I have my own “stupid human trick”. I can fit my whole fist in my mouth…and I have big hands! Back in college it was funny to do at parties and cracked people up but I have refused to do it in about 5 years because I’m just too old for that now.

    That’s not that interesting though. More on the shocking side would be that I dated a guy my Senior year of college that forbid me to go to Maverick Hockey games because my exboyfriend and his frat brothers went to them. We went to one game, saw them, and that was the end of my going to the games. Most shocking with that is that I actually listened to him to avoid the constant fight about it. What a freak!! I can’t believe that I ever let anyone, much less a guy, tell ME what to do!! NEVER DO THAT LADIES!! (Unless it’s Dan Tormey… do whatever he tells you to do ladies!)

  17. Do you think Dan Tormey likes me? Or do you think he hates me?

    I think Tormey has a love hate relationship with you. He loves you for your dedication to him and Maverick Hockey but probably gets embarrassed and a little freaked out by your love for him. It’s more love than hate though, so keep up the good work! (Don’t worry Dan, I freak myself out sometimes! I try to stop, but I just can’t! Stop being so good-looking! --No wait, don't...)

  18. If you were Native American, what would your name be? Mine and Dan Tormey's would be "Isso Beautiful."

    Hmm…I guess it would be “Isso Talkative”. I never shut up. (Cute name.)

  19. When you hear that song that goes "You'll never see me again~~!" do you instantly think of Jon Kalinski and tear up?

    No, I don’t think that. Hell, I don’t even know the song you’re talking about. The song “Nasty” by Janet Jackson reminds me of him though. HA HA! Oh, and anything “shorty” is always a Kalinski in my world. A short drink is a “Kalinski” or last weekend when I moved I had a “shorty woredrobe” box from Uhaul and we kept calling it “The Kalinski wordrobe”. Yep, I’m odd.

    Oh, love that this Q&A session has 37 questions for me too! (Yeah that’s weird. And… coincidence. ;) (Check the time I posted this and the last couple of entries as well))

  20. Which Maverick has the best middle name? (and it can't start with an M.)

    I’m inclined to go with Louwerse since he’s a “Michael Scott” (which is my nephew’s name…which is a combination of my brother’s names). I could also go with Mick Berge’s middle name “Marlin” since that was my dad’s name…but I can’t choose a “M” name. I also like Mouillerat’s, “Brennan” (Haha I knew LGM liked Berge’s middle name and that’s why I said no M!)

  21. What's your favourite number?

    3 or 33. I was born on the 3rd day of the 3rd month, 3 weeks after my mom’s 33rd birthday at 3:08am. I kid you not! (Really?! I was born on February 25th, 1986, which is the same month as Dan Tormey, the same day as Jon Kalinski, and the same year as Trevor Bruess! I kid you not!)

  22. If you could go back in time to any hockey game, which game would you go to?

    The game at SCSU where the Mavs finally won (I had been to many, many games at the NHL with friends that are SCSU fans and we always lost and I hated it) and Clarky was in goal. It was awesome. That is the night I started to “heart” Chris Clarky. (That’s cool. I like SCSU games too. They’re my faves.)

  23. So far, which freshman is your favourite?

    Justin Jokinen, though I hate that he wears #14. When I see him on the ice my brain still thinks “ugh, stupid Wagner”. (Ugh I still think of Wagner too.)

  24. How much pop do you drink a day?

    WAY too much. I’m going to try to cut back. Hmm…let me see, I have a can of Dt. Dew on the way to work, and then a 16 oz. Coffee…then one for lunch and one in the afternoon…and then one at night. ..so at least 4 a day, plus a coffee. Cripes, can you say Caffeine Addiction? I love my Diet Dew and Coffee! (I asked this question to make sure I wasn’t drinking too much pop a day, and I drink one, so I guess I’m good.)

  25. What's on your iPod?

    The question is “what is NOT on my iPod”. I have everything possible on it. Lots of GB Leighton, Train, 80’s music, country….and then weird stuff like songs from the Brady Bunch and “old school rap” from my high school days like Eazy E and Snoop Dogg (that’s probably the most shocking to people!) (Don’t quote me on this, but I think Eazy E’s daughter was on My Super Sweet 16. Or maybe he just performed… or is he dead? I guess I shouldn’t be talking, because I really don’t know. But I know the name from My Super Sweet 16.)

  26. What kind of car do you drive?

    A Grand Prix (By what kind, I meant what colour! I don’t know anything about cars!)

  27. What's your favourite thing about yourself?

    That I’m outgoing and not afraid to talk to anyone. (Oh really? I like your eyes. :)

  28. If you could travel to any place in Canada, where would you go

    Vancouver. (Me too! Or Edmonton to visit Kael and go to that crazy large mall!)

  29. What's your favourite pizza topping?

    Green Olives. (You know, I had a pizza with green olives on it just the other day and really liked it! They’re real good!)

  30. Did you ever play an instrument? If so, which one(s)?

    Alto Saxophone. (OMG I played the tenor!)

  31. If you had to choose a sport other than hockey and baseball, what would you choose?

    To play? Volleyball and Golf. To watch? Sand Volleyball. (I was actually thinking of taking up golf. I hear Dan Tormey plays. Hoping to catch him at the course.

  32. Which post of Sidney Sherlock's is your favourite?

    The Photoshopped one of the Mavs in the future with their jobs. (Good answer. :)

  33. Pepsi or Coke?

    Diet Coke. (Not an option, but whatever...)

  34. What were you for Halloween?

    Nothing this year. I’m lame. I stayed in and watched the Maverick/Gopher game on TV. (Well, at least Kali/Kuh-lee/Kuh-lih was dressed up!)

  35. If you got the chance to play NHL 09 against a Mav, which Mav would you play against, which team would you choose, and what team would you hope they chose?

    I would choose the Blues and play against Channing Boe. That way I could talk a bunch of smack and he would have the guts to smart off back to me. I would hope he would choose the Sharks so he would lose and I could pick on Chris Clarky that his team even sucks on video games. (I would probably pay to see that. ‘Course, I would pay to see Channing Boe any day!)

  36. Would you refer to your skin-type as oily or dry?

    Dry. (I would describe mine as dry too… :( )

  37. Have you ever had Yu's Chinese food?

    I lived in the Quads my Junior year of college…so OF COURSE!! (I love that place. The service is just amazing.)

Luv, Sidney ♥
10:37 AM
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